Counselling is a talking therapy where you can explore, with a trained professional counsellor, any issue, area of growth or challenge that you may be experiencing in your life.
The time is yours to bring and talk about anything you want to. The job of the counsellor is a bit like a gentle guide; to listen closely in order so that you may find your own answers and walk your own path.
Everything that you speak about or that happens in a session is confidential.
Counselling is different from speaking to friends or family members as the counsellor does not know you from any other area of your life. It is a safe place where you can speak freely without feeling judged or worried that you might hurt another person’s feelings.
You may want to have counselling for a number of reasons, including, but not limited to, the following:
Something has happened in life that you are finding it difficult to make sense of or understand
You have been experiencing feelings of anxiety or panic that may be stopping you from doing the things you want to do
You have been feeling low for some time
You are feeling stuck in your life
You're feeling exhausted or suffering with burnout
You have lost your sense of joy or meaning
You have lost someone you cared about and you’re finding it hard to cope with your grief
You realise that the same thing keeps happening in your relationships or you keep attracting the same kind of partner
You may find yourself over-reacting to things and not know why or how to control your feelings
How counselling can help
Counselling offers a way to listen to our symptoms so that we may hear more clearly their inner guidance and wisdom.
The awareness and close listening we develop can help us navigate through challenging situations and live with more ease.
Giving yourself the gift of counselling can bring about deep and lasting transformation in yourself and therefore in your world. This is not always an easy path to walk but it is one where you will be rewarded with a greater sense of self-awareness, self-knowing and self-acceptance, which can radically transform your life.
Counselling can help you:
Ease physical symptoms
Maybe you are struggling with feelings of anxiety or panic and you are not sure how to manage the physical symptoms or why you are experiencing such discomfort and unease.
Counselling can help you listen to the messages these physical symptoms may be bringing and help you find your way to a place of comfort and ease.
Let go of unhelpful patterns
Perhaps you find yourself frustrated by unhelpful habitual patterns in relationships. Or you realise you are overreacting to situations in the present that unconsciously remind you of things from the past.
Counselling can help loosen the grip the past may hold and enable you to live more from a place of presence.
Establish a better balance
You may be finding that life feels overwhelming, that you are always stressed and exhausted by the demands on you. Perhaps you feel like you are always rushing around and even sense you are burning out but don’t know how to stop or you feel that you can’t.
Counselling can offer you a place to slow down and explore how you can create a better balance in your life.
Find your voice
Maybe you have difficulty speaking up for yourself in relationships and find yourself shying away from them altogether because they feel too hard. Perhaps you find yourself always being the one trying to ‘keep the peace’ and please others.
Counselling can help you to find your voice and reconnect with your desire to reach out to others from a place that feels good for you.
Find a more confident self
You might be feeling unsure of yourself, lacking confidence or not knowing who you really are. Perhaps negative thoughts and a loud inner critical voice leaves you unable to do the things you would like to do.
Counselling can help you discover who you really are and find the confidence to enjoy a meaningful life.
Know you are not alone
It can be a very lonely, distressing and confusing experience to have certain thoughts and feelings and not be sure why they are there. Maybe you have struggled for a long time, have felt ashamed for the thoughts or feelings you have and have been trying to hide what you are thinking or feeling from others.
Counselling can help release you from the grip of shame and help you see that you are not alone.